Friday, November 20, 2009


Name: Corey Webb

Article link:
Article Title: A fake Face book Rival

1st Paragraph: Summary of article: A teenager created a fake face book account; she did it to compete with a girl who liked a guy that she liked. Because of this the one who was being targeted underwent a lot of stress
2nd Paragraph: You thoughts/agreements/disagreements with article: I think that she was stupid to do this. I mean its stupid to fight against someone just for a guy
3rd Paragraph: What happened to the bully and the person being bullied? The girl underwent a lot of stress, and didn’t go to school regularly
4th Paragraph: What could have been done to stop this from happening?: They could have went to a counselor to work it out
5th Paragraph: How does this apply to you, your family, school and/or society? This does not apply to me


  1. I agree, it was stupid of the girl to do that.

  2. i agree, it was stupid ... but very nice article

  3. i think that it was just stupid to fight over a guy that two peple both like.
