Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ethernet cables

The purpose of an ethernet cable is to connect you to the internet
The Materials you will need are:

  1. 2 rj 45 jacks

  2. clamper

  3. wire cutters

  4. cable


  1. Cut cord to desired length

  2. take wire cutters and strip the blue tubing

  3. uncoil the wires and put them in the color order

  4. Light orange, dark orange, light green,dark blue,light blue, dark green,light brown, dark brown.

  5. Take an rj 45 jack with clip upside down and put it on the wires so they are in order

  6. once you have it in the right order clamp it down.

  7. Repeat steps 1-6 for other side

To test it you put it in a ethernet tester and make sure you have green lights

The first time I made my ethernet cable it was pretty hard, because i couldn't get them to stay in order

Monday, November 23, 2009

Staying Civil online

5 rules for internet etiquette are:

  1. Behave while online

  2. Rember that words are open

  3. Do not "shout" online

  4. Do not send spam

  5. Do not distrubute copyrighted material

A summary of the article: The article is talking about how to be safe online, and what you should do to make sure you don't get in trouble

7 netiquettes and my personal thoughts on them are:

  1. Behave as though you communicating in person- Act as you are looking face to face. Basically don't say something that you would say to them face to face.

  2. Rember that words are open to interpretation- if you say something bad don't be upset when someone gets offended. Treat others the way you want to be treated

  3. Do not Shout online-don't type in all caps. Dont be rude

  4. Do not flame other users- don't insult the person. Don't be mean

  5. Do not spam- do not send rude emails.

  6. Do not distribute copyrighted materials- Don't take credit for other peoples work.

  7. Do not be a coward- don't put your identity out on the internet

I think that netiquette is important because: It keeps you out of trouble and safe online

Friday, November 20, 2009


Name: Corey Webb

Article link:
Article Title: A fake Face book Rival

1st Paragraph: Summary of article: A teenager created a fake face book account; she did it to compete with a girl who liked a guy that she liked. Because of this the one who was being targeted underwent a lot of stress
2nd Paragraph: You thoughts/agreements/disagreements with article: I think that she was stupid to do this. I mean its stupid to fight against someone just for a guy
3rd Paragraph: What happened to the bully and the person being bullied? The girl underwent a lot of stress, and didn’t go to school regularly
4th Paragraph: What could have been done to stop this from happening?: They could have went to a counselor to work it out
5th Paragraph: How does this apply to you, your family, school and/or society? This does not apply to me

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Acceptable use policy

an AUP is: a document/rules that tell you what you can and cannot do with something
an AUP is used at glenvar by: the laptop agreement
5 rules and why they would be important are:
  1. don't play games
  2. don't download stuff
  3. Don't IM
  4. Don't try to bypass a firewall
  5. Don't break your laptop
an AUP policy can be put in the job by putting a firewall so employees work instead of looking online

AUP's are Necessary: to make people do work not play online all day

If you were the boss of a large company I would have the following rules:
  • No games
  • No personal email
  • No innapropraite websites

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


an emotion is:what you feel

an emoticon is: a text that represents a facial expression

10 examples of emoticons and what they mean are
:@}= pig
{~ ~}= pumpkin
8-x= Skull
;]]=he he
:-L= Frustrated
:-D= laughing or big grin
:-P= tongue sticking out
<3= heartles

an acronym is: Letters that stand for something

10 appropriate acronyms are:
TTFN= Ta Ta for now
AIH= as it happens
AITR=adult in the room
AOAS= all of a sudden
ATST= at the same time
AYOR= at your own risk
AYSOS= are you stupid or something
TGIF= thank goodness its friday
S-H-I-T=sorry honey its thursday
TTG= Time to go

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

html - hyper text markup language

1. HTML is a language/code that allows you to make a website using html code
2. a tag is basically a source to what you want on your website "tag"title>
3. A Open Tag- is when you want to start info on your site, A close tag ends the info on your site
4. Steps to create a HTML site
  1. Open Notepad
  2. at the top put "tag"html>
  3. Underneath put "tag"title> Your info "tag"/title>
  4. then put "tag" body>

  5. which stands for break
  6. "tag"/body>
  7. now just copy and past html codes for what you want on your site
  8. once you have done this click file, save as, and save it as homepage.html
  9. now open it up in internet explorer and there you have it
5. 3 websites that give good examples of HTML tags to copy and paste are:
  • Quackit
  • Web soure
  • Html code tutorial
6. I like html because i think it is cool with all the things that you can put on their
I knew what it was and i knew how to find stuff
I know now how to make stuff appear
yes this will help me with a job in computer programming