Monday, October 19, 2009

post 3

The four benefits of using a network are:
They allow many users to access programs and data at the same time, they allow users to share peripheral devices, such as printers and scanners, they make personal communications easier, they make it easy for users and administrators to back up important data files.

The difference between Lan and Wan are:
Lan- a network of computers that are relatively near each other and are connected in a way that enables them to communicate { by a cable, infrared link, or a small wireless device.} Wan- two or more lans connected together generally across a wide geographical area.

Three common network topologies are: Star, ring, and bus

Examples of these are:

four examples of network operation system software are: windows xp, windows vista,unix,linux

The difference between Client/Server Networks and Peer to Peer Networks.

Client server -individual computers share the processing and storage workload with a central server.

Peer to peer- all nodes on the network have equal relationships to all others and all have similar types of software that support the sharing of resources

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My article was about a guy named David S. Patton who created a software that was designed to send bulk commercial emails which are spam. These emails violated the Can - Spam act. Which is an act that is supposed to stop emails. Because of this the guy was finded 3,000 dollars and up to six years in prison

Monday, October 12, 2009

The purpose of a blog is to communicate with people
One pro of blogging is that you can have your opinion viewed , a con is that people can see your info?
They are not safe, because people can see your info
Blogs can be used as an educational tool because the teacher or students can give advice