Friday, February 26, 2010

DOS is: Disk operating system

Booting is: the first program that runs when a computer is turned on

DOS is Text based.

To communicate with DOS, the screen has a Prompt where you enter a Command.

Case insensitive means that: It will take it any way you put it in. Del C:

4 useful things to learn about DOS.
SET PATH= Go directly to the directory

? in a file name means You know where the file is located but you aren't sure what the file name is exactly

* in a file name means Wild Card: it will open up all the files that you have
. in a directory path stands for Go to a certian directory

7 very useful DOS commands. Explain
A:Floppy Drive
C:Hard drive
MD: Make new directory
CD: Change directory
COPY:Copy file
DEL: Delete file

DOS organizes disks by: File name,Directory, and Disk drive structure.

Three requirements that must be met for a file to be named include File name, Period, and command or type of file.
Test .DOc

In DOS directories Are named by: Directory,And then folders

An example would be: A: pictures/Reunion/2008/park

Friday, February 19, 2010

Google images

Image of lego robot: This lego robot talks, and when you stick the lego ice pick in its eyeball it shuts up

Cool Logo: Nascar logo

The colors don't mean anything

The reason i like it is because i'm a huge nascar fan

If i had to create a logo for myself it would be brown and green- it would have my initials in it.

I would make it this way because brown and green are football colors and that is my favorite sport

Static cling: my static cling would look like the viriginia tech logo. It would be marroon, orange, and white. I would do this because i like virginia tech and i think it would be cool to have.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Name of the game: Koala Br8
Design Story (An evil doctor threw three Koalas down in the dungeon because they tried to escape the zoo. They now have been brainwashed and when the main Koala goes in a certain direction, the other Koalas follow. They need to escape each lab without getting blown up by TNT or saws!)
Sprites - Bears, by using the arrow keys.
Objects - The tnt, saws,exit
Age range - 7 & up they like koala bears
Gaming console and REASON: Computer,because its through game maker
Why did you design this game the way you designed it? I like challenges


Internet Game: Lazarus
Sprites: A blob named lazarus
Objects: The blocks
Objective: The objective of the Game is to get a blob out of a hole and to the exit. The way you do this is by getting the blocks to fall toward the exit. You may ask how did this lazarus get into this hole? Well he was sky diving and he opened his parachute right in the wind. This led him to this huge hole with blocks falling. And now the only to get out is to climb on these blocks and make and get to the exit without getting smushed.

Gaming Console:Madden Nfl 08
Sprites: The players and the ball
Objects: the field, goal post
Objective: The objective of this game is to make your team beat the other team. You do this by picking your team, Picking plays that will help advance you down the field, and hopefully score a touchdown. Basically you are trying to get your team to the superbowl.

Monday, December 14, 2009

  • 1. Alice is an animation program where you can make a world with objects moving and doing different stuff.
  • 2. To download Alice you can go to
  • 3. Alice has some of the following objects: buildings , farms, vehicles, different backgrounds. like snow, grass,desert. It also has animals, and amusement park.
  • 4. Some pros of alice are- you can make animations, games, and interactive worlds with it.

5. Some cons of alice are- that it can mess up it can do something that you don't want it to.

6. Some of the worlds that i did are football, penguin, ice skater

7. I somewhat enjoyed alice, but sometimes it made me irritated

8. I would use alice because i like to make animations.To make a football animation

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ethernet cables

The purpose of an ethernet cable is to connect you to the internet
The Materials you will need are:

  1. 2 rj 45 jacks

  2. clamper

  3. wire cutters

  4. cable


  1. Cut cord to desired length

  2. take wire cutters and strip the blue tubing

  3. uncoil the wires and put them in the color order

  4. Light orange, dark orange, light green,dark blue,light blue, dark green,light brown, dark brown.

  5. Take an rj 45 jack with clip upside down and put it on the wires so they are in order

  6. once you have it in the right order clamp it down.

  7. Repeat steps 1-6 for other side

To test it you put it in a ethernet tester and make sure you have green lights

The first time I made my ethernet cable it was pretty hard, because i couldn't get them to stay in order

Monday, November 23, 2009

Staying Civil online

5 rules for internet etiquette are:

  1. Behave while online

  2. Rember that words are open

  3. Do not "shout" online

  4. Do not send spam

  5. Do not distrubute copyrighted material

A summary of the article: The article is talking about how to be safe online, and what you should do to make sure you don't get in trouble

7 netiquettes and my personal thoughts on them are:

  1. Behave as though you communicating in person- Act as you are looking face to face. Basically don't say something that you would say to them face to face.

  2. Rember that words are open to interpretation- if you say something bad don't be upset when someone gets offended. Treat others the way you want to be treated

  3. Do not Shout online-don't type in all caps. Dont be rude

  4. Do not flame other users- don't insult the person. Don't be mean

  5. Do not spam- do not send rude emails.

  6. Do not distribute copyrighted materials- Don't take credit for other peoples work.

  7. Do not be a coward- don't put your identity out on the internet

I think that netiquette is important because: It keeps you out of trouble and safe online